Thursday, January 22, 2015

Marilyn Manson [2015] (album) The Pale Emperor

ah, some 'high profile' releases have hit the stage now in 2015 and this is probably the first real one i've hit so far. might spin a couple of the other ones tonight as well. Mr. Manson hasn't been relevant for a long while now. as far as i know. and to be honest i haven't heard much of his material since his prime time smells like antichrist animals era. this album seems to be much less abrasive than he used to be. but also much less catchy. it feels more.. dare i say.. soulful. if that makes any sense. only very few tracks stood out to me as attention grabbers and the rest sort of fades into marilyn-esque depression. i always felt like his albums were way too long. maybe its just me and it means i don't really care for his music.. or maybe it means his albums are TOO FUCKING LONG. its all homogeneous and more or less the same tempo and i have always felt like his releases could have benefited from being a little more picky. slimmed down.  i dunno what his 'band' is like these days, but this album comes off feeling kind of minimal.

voodoo says 6/10 on first impression

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